[gdal-dev] Differences in behavior between pgsql query and use of GDAL API

Luca Sigfrido Percich sigfrido at tiscali.it
Mon Jun 13 04:25:31 EDT 2011

Hi Alexandre,

if I well understood your problem, you're already doing half of the job
(the queries)in PostGIS, so why not doing everything using PostGIS
Moreover, I think you don't need union.

Assuming towns is a polygon layer, try:

select distinct t.* from 
  towns as t,
  (select distinct * from towns where town_in_group_A_condition) as t2
 where t.fid = t2.fid or touches(t.geom, t2.geom);

Let us know.

All the best


Il giorno lun, 13/06/2011 alle 09.52 +0200, Alexandre Gacon ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I need to do the following request to find some data:
> - I have a bunch of towns (let's call them group A)
> - I retrieve the towns touching the group A (let's call them group B)
> - I make the union of group A and group B
> - I ask the towns covered by the resulting union
> For the moment, I use GDAL to do the processing like that:
> - I use OGRGeometry::Union to make the union of group A towns
> - I send a request to a postgis database with a ST_Touches where
> clause and the group A geometry as WKT
> - I make the union of the resulting geometries with OGRGeometry::Union
> - I send a request to a postgis database with a ST_Covers where clause
> and the union of group A and group B as WKT
> My problem is that I don't retrieve all the towns I initially have to
> build my geometry.
> If I try to do the same request totally in pgsql (union, touches and
> covers), I have the awaited result. If I compare the area of the
> geometry of the ST_Covers where clause (between generation with GDAL
> and computation by postgis), I ha ve the same area.
> What could explain the difference in the result ? Precision loss in
> GDAL ? Precision loss because of the use of WKT ? Should I use WKB
> instead of WKT ? Should I do all my computations in postgis ?
> -- 
> Alexandre Gacon
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