[gdal-dev] Forcing the rounded of coordinates
Sylvain Maffren
sylvain.maffren at crige-paca.org
Mon Jun 20 17:49:18 EDT 2011
Hi !
I apologize in advance for my english which I not very fluent. I have
some questions about the tool ogr2ogr (and also about gdalwarp and
gdal_translate) and the rounding of coordinates.
Let me explain:
Some databases (particularly IGN -- France databases) have coordinates
rounded to the meter (BD CARTO for example) or the decimeter (BD TOPO
for example).
I will explain my comment with for bases the coordinates of a point of
BD CARTO to support my comments :
In an original *.shp in Lambert93 - France, a point has the following
coordinates (provided by ogrinfo):
X = 993366 m Y = 6304044 m
We import this in PostGIS with shp2pgsql, and the point has always these
X = 993366 m Y = 6304044 m
It's good !
If we try to export this PostGIS layer through ogr2ogr (in *.shp, *.tab
or *.mif), a ogrinfo gives us the same point of the layer resulting,
with the following coordinates:
X = and Y = 993366.00000000058 6304043.9999999898)
This means that ogr2ogr (identical tests performed on a raster layer
bounding box with reprojection (gdalwarp) or without (gdal_translate))
changes the number of decimal coordinates of origin, which can be
annoying in some cases (when we need to recover a given output with the
same number of decimal than in entry.
I tried to find a setting to force ogr2ogr (or gdal and related
functions) to round the coordinates to a given number of decimal (as can
be done with CS2CS) and I have not found any answer.
Is it possible to set the number of decimal places in output (and
ideally keep the same as input) ? And if so, how?
Thank you in advance to all who have good ideas and / or directions to
Sylvain Maffren
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