[gdal-dev] Re: Conversion from WGS84 to NAD83(EPSG:26912 - NAD83 /UTMzone 12N )

Eli Adam EAdam at co.lincoln.or.us
Tue Mar 1 19:06:22 EST 2011


      There are a lot of NAD83 UTM projection zones.  You need to chose the proper one.  Without learning a fair amount about datums, projections, and the area where you are working, you may be best looking on wikipedia and spatial reference to guess a UTM zone that matches your general area.  NAD83 is the North American Datum of 1983, you may want a different datum for your area. A rough guess that may be a decent starting place might be WGS84 UTM 45N.  

      Datums, projections, etc are incredibly complex.  USGS gives an overview here, http://egsc.usgs.gov/isb/pubs/MapProjections/projections.html  I don't have any advice for any easy or quick way to select a proper datum and projection.  If you know someone working with similar data in the same area, ask them.

      You may be best leaving the data in EPSG:4326, I don't know.  

HTH, Eli

>>> On 3/1/2011 at 3:21 PM, in message <1299021669799-6079096.post at n2.nabble.com>,
Delirious <sumitpandey87 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks adam,
> I am novice to this field. So my question might seem trivial or vague -
> "Even if the data is of asia, cant it be projected in NAD83 UTM 12N. Errors
> might be high, but it should be convertible". If i want to convert this data
> in NAD83 datum and UTM projection what should i do?
> Cheers
> Sumit Pandey 

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