R: Re: [gdal-dev] OGR mysql.sock path

simone.micozzi at tin.it simone.micozzi at tin.it
Mon Mar 7 19:05:54 EST 2011

Thank you, Chaitanya,

for your reply.

I'll look if in MacOS is the same as in Linux.
After all it's still based on UNIX.

Best regards,

Simone Micozzi

----Messaggio originale----

Da: chaitanya.ch at gmail.com

Data: 7-mar-2011 4.45

A: "simone.micozzi at tin.it"<simone.micozzi at tin.it>

Cc: <gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org>

Ogg: Re: [gdal-dev] OGR mysql.sock path


I don't know about MacOS, but in Linux you can use the environment variable MYSQL_UNIX_PORT to set the location of the socket file.

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 3:42 AM, simone.micozzi at tin.it <simone.micozzi at tin.it> wrote:

  Ciao to all.

How can I tell OGR where to look for the mysql.sock file?
It looks for it in the standard path ( /tmp/mysql.sock )

but on my server (a MacOS XServe) the socket file is not there
and I cannot simply make a link to the right path,
because at every start-up my server clean the /tmp directory.
Is there by any chance a configuration option 

where I can hardcode the right path?

Thank you anyway,

Simone Micozzi 

gdal-dev mailing list

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Best regards,
Chaitanya kumar CH.

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