[gdal-dev] crop a non-square subwindow?
Marius Jigmond
mariusjigmond at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 9 19:05:20 EST 2011
On Wed, 2011-03-09 at 12:35 -0500, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> On 11-03-09 11:51 AM, Wendell Turner wrote:
> >
> > Do any of the gdal utilities crop an image on non-square
> > boundaries?
> >
> > I use gdal_translate with -projwin ulx uly lrx lry to crop
> > an image that is square (left and right edges are vertical,
> > and the top and bottom edges are horizontal). Is there a
> > command that will crop other shapes, for instance a diamond
> > shape, where the edges are not horizontal/vertical?
> >
> > If it must be done by programming (pref. Python), is there a
> > sample that I could use to start with?
> Wendell,
> I think gdalwarp with -crop_to_cutline and a cutline specified
> with the shape will accomplish what you want.
> http://www.gdal.org/gdalwarp.html
> The cutline comes from an OGR supported file but this can be as simple
> as a .csv file with a WKT geometry in it. The -crop_to_cutline may be
> new to 1.8.
> Best regards,
Please be aware that this method may introduce raster shifting and
possibly resampling (depending on the original cell size). It might or
might not matter for your purposes. A better approach is to use
gdal_translate with -projwin to extract to shape envelope and then
gdal_rasterize with -i to burn nodata where shape is missing.
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