[gdal-dev] OGR2OGR options -select and -where together
Christy Nieman
cnieman at dmsolutions.ca
Fri Mar 25 11:03:21 EDT 2011
Aha. And sorry for kind of spamming the list. I've been looking into
this between working on something else.
with -sql in 1.8.0:
ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" -sql "select ano from Prodes2009_23367 where
ano = '2009' and class_name = 'DESFLORESTAMENTO'"
filter_select_where7.shp Prodes2009_23367.shp
the ' around 2009 wasn't required when I tried in 1.7.x
In 1.7.x you could have just the ano field in -select, but in 1.8.0 it
seems you need both fields included in the -where, so:
ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" -select ano,class_name -where "ano = '2009'
and class_name = 'DESFLORESTAMENTO'" filter_select_where10.shp
Maybe one of the developers could explain this change?
On 03/25/2011 10:50 AM, Christy Nieman wrote:
> Sorry, I wanted to provide more info, but I wanted to compile 1.8.0
> before expanding on this (I was running a trunk version from before
> 1.8.0's release). I was going to suggest that you could use the -sql
> parameter with an sql query, however I was unable to get this to work
> with 1.8.0 either, though it worked in 1.7.x. I also wanted to read
> through the release notes to see if there was something obvious I
> missed, but didn't see anything. Anyone else encountered this problem?
> On 03/25/2011 10:17 AM, Luiz Motta wrote:
>> Thank's Christy.
>> The idea is report this problem, or verify , if i am using correct
>> form the OGR2OGR.
>> Luiz
>> 2011/3/25 Christy Nieman<cnieman at dmsolutions.ca>:
>>> And apparently I'm half asleep this morning. Didn't see your
>>> examples of
>>> what you've tried. Sorry. I tried your 3.1 ogr2ogr with your data
>>> and got
>>> 754 features returned with an older version of GDAL (1.7 I believe),
>>> but 0
>>> with 1.8 also.
>>> On 03/25/2011 09:46 AM, Christy Nieman wrote:
>>>> Sorry, wrong order for the source and destination files. Should be
>>>> output.shp then input.shp
>>>> C
>>>> On 03/25/2011 09:45 AM, Christy Nieman wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> You can indeed use both -select and -where together together. For
>>>>> example
>>>>> ogr2ogr -select field1,field2,field3 -where "field1 = value OR
>>>>> field2 =
>>>>> anotherValue" input.shp output.shp
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Christy
>>>>> On 03/25/2011 09:38 AM, Luiz Motta wrote:
>>>>>> Devs,
>>>>>> I would like have the subset of data, by filters of field (-select)
>>>>>> and attributes(-where), using OGR2OGR.
>>>>>> My enviroment is:
>>>>>> - Windows XP
>>>>>> - GDAL from OSGEO4W
>>>>>> - Version: GDAL 1.8.0, released 2011/01/12
>>>>>> At the moment, i can only make subset(field and attribute) by call
>>>>>> separate of OGR2OGR.
>>>>>> Has one manner to use options "select" and "where" in the same call
>>>>>> OGR2OGR ?
>>>>>> Next, my tests to make subsets:
>>>>>> 1) Source data:
>>>>>> http://www.dpi.inpe.br/prodesdigital/dadosn/2009/PDigital2009_23367_shp.zip
>>>>>> 2) Show info:
>>>>>> 2.1) Summary
>>>>>> ogrinfo -so Prodes2009_23367.shp Prodes2009_23367
>>>>>> 2.2) Subset features (see -where)
>>>>>> ogrinfo -q -geom=NO -where "ano = '2009' and class_name =
>>>>>> 'DESFLORESTAMENTO'" Prodes2009_23367.shp Prodes2009_23367 | more
>>>>>> 3) Subset data
>>>>>> 3.1) Filter by field(-select) and attribute(-where) -> Empty data
>>>>>> output
>>>>>> ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" -select "ano" -where "ano = '2009' and
>>>>>> class_name = 'DESFLORESTAMENTO'" filter_select_where.shp
>>>>>> Prodes2009_23367.shp
>>>>>> ogrinfo -so filter_select_where.shp filter_select_where
>>>>>> * Feature Count = 0
>>>>>> 3.2) Filter by field(-select)
>>>>>> ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" -select "ano" filter_select.shp
>>>>>> Prodes2009_23367.shp
>>>>>> ogrinfo -so filter_select.shp filter_select
>>>>>> 3.3) Filter by attribute(-where)
>>>>>> ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" -where "ano = '2009' and class_name =
>>>>>> 'DESFLORESTAMENTO'" filter_where.shp Prodes2009_23367.shp
>>>>>> ogrinfo -so filter_where.shp filter_where
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Luiz Motta
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