[gdal-dev] gdal 1.8 tiff

Julien Malik julien.malik at c-s.fr
Wed May 11 12:51:07 EDT 2011

Hello list,

I had a bad surprise today using the new gdal 1.8 package available in 
ubuntugis-unstable :

When linked both to tiff v3 and gdal 1.8, the GTIFF driver is disabled 
with a warning appearing like :

    WARNING ! libtiff version mismatch : You're linking against libtiff 
3.X but GDAL has been compiled against libtiff >= 4.0.0

I understand from frmts/gtiff/geotiff.cpp that this is voluntary (though 
the warning does not say it actually disables the GTiff driver).

In my case (building the Orfeo Toolbox library, which has a dependency 
needing TIFF and GeoTiff, but not gdal), it has the undesirable 
consequence of breaking TIFF support for our ubuntu packages based on 
the ubuntugis-unstable ppa 
(https://launchpad.net/~otb/+archive/orfeotoolbox-nightly and 

The issue has already been discussed on this list, but just to recall : 
we had a solution providing usable executables with TIFF support, even 
though they were linked to the system libtiff and libgeotiff (it 
involved ensuring the proper link order between '-lgdal' and '-lgeotiff').

That's why I think disabling the driver completely is a little hard.
In my case it represents a major regression, and I don't have a lot of 
ideas to work around it...

Is it possible to *not* disable the driver, and keep the warning ?


NB: I filed a ticket in our bug tracker 
(http://bugs.orfeo-toolbox.org/view.php?id=296), feel free to leave 
comments there.

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