[gdal-dev] Ogr2ogr

Luca Sigfrido Percich sigfrido at tiscali.it
Thu Nov 17 03:48:50 EST 2011

Hi Fred,

Il giorno mer, 16/11/2011 alle 10.11 -0700, Fred Jones ha scritto: 
> Hi Sig,
> I have a SQL table temp_sublocs_btc with the MT State Plane x and y as
> the first columns in the table. CENSUS_2010 is a sql spatial database.
> This is the command I have so far. When I execute it, I just get the
> help returned, no error:
> ogr2ogr -overwrite -s_srs EPSG:32100 -t_srs EPSG:4326 -f
> "MSSQL:server=ELMER;database=CENSUS_2010;trusted_connection=yes"
> "MSSQL:server=ELMER;database=HT_2010_10;tables=temp_sublocs_btc;trusted_connection=yes"
> What am I doing wrong?

Please remember to always post the error messages otherwise we won't be
able to understand. Before the usege text you should see an error

I never worked with ogr and MSSQL, but I guess that the problem is that
you should separate the output format specification (-f "MSSQL")  and
the server connection string.


ogr2ogr -overwrite -s_srs EPSG:32100 -t_srs EPSG:4326 -f "MSSQL"

assuming that tables=temp_sublocs_btc allows you to select the input

Regarding the creation of point, in PostGIS I would simply insert the X
and Y coords in two float fields of the target table, and issue a 

update CENSUS_2010.temp_sublocs_btc set geom =
ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(x, y), 32100), 4326)

Which means create a point with x, y, set its SRID to state plane, then
transform it into WGS84, then store it in the geom column of your table
(the geometry column of which should have been created in WGS84 SRS).

I don't know the corresponding function in MSSQL for ST_MakePoint etc...
you should refer to the documentation

I never tried this! I don't know if you can do the transformation
directly with the -sql clause of ogr2ogr or with other options, please
try and let us know.


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