[gdal-dev] wms driver and support for more parameters in the URL
- bug in curl?
Even Rouault
even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Mon Nov 21 14:07:43 EST 2011
> I try
> gdalwarp in.wms in.tiff
> On my localhost, correst request with all 3 parameters arrives:
> /cgi-bin/owsproxy.cgi?FROMCRS=epsg%3A4326&OWSSERVICE=WMS&OWSURL=http%3A%2F%
> 2Fgeoportal2.uhul.cz%2Fwms_oprl&request=GetMap&version=1.1.1&layers=Lesni_t
> yp&styles=default&srs=EPSG:3035&transparent=TRUE&format=image/png&width=936
> &height=660&bbox=4559666.00000000,2941837.66667000,4566270.00000000,2946494
> .33333000
> But the our server or on other computer with *same* version of GDAL as
> on my localhost, only the *first* one arrives:
> /cgi-bin/owsproxy.cgi?FROMCRS=epsg%3A4326&service=WMS&request=GetMap&versi
> on=1.1.1&layers=Lesni_typ&styles=default&srs=EPSG:3035&transparent=TRUE&for
> mat=image/png&width=936&height=660&bbox=4559666.00000000,2941837.66667000,4
> 566270.00000000,2946494.33333000
> So, is there some strange bug in GDAL? In some dependence library
> (like curl?) Any other way, how to pass more aditional parameters to
> the server with GDAL as client?
I don't understand the different of behaviour you observe, but the cause of
your issue is that the URL you put inside <ServerUrl> is not proper XML
content. You should replace the & characters by &
> Thanks
> Jachym
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