[gdal-dev] PostgreSQL problems

David J. Bakeman dbakeman at comcast.net
Fri Oct 14 16:57:32 EDT 2011

Even Rouault wrote:
> Le vendredi 14 octobre 2011 21:04:12, David J. Bakeman a écrit :
> Try  ogrinfo --debug on  -ro PG:'dbname=mydb'
OK I am totally confused now here is the output:
ogrinfo --debug -ro PG:'dbname=mydb'
INFO: Open of `PG:dbname=mydb'
       using driver `PostgreSQL' successful.

That's all though?  I expected it to give a list of the layers as it 
says in the driver docs.

By the way without the --debug it still says FAILURE: and list all of 
the drivers????
> and see  if something interesting shows up (and post the output to the list if
> you don't find the solution by yourself)
> It is really weird that it works with QGIS but not with OGR. That eliminates
> the usual suspects, like insufficient rights on the postgis "system" tables
> (geometry_columns, spatial_ref_sys), as a cause for the failure.
>> Sorry I was trying to limit the bandwidth I used I figured it was
>> probably something really stupid and someone would just say you forgot
>> to XX :<;
>> Anyway this is a test database so it really is named mydb and I copied
>> the ogrinfo command from the PostgreSQL driver page for OGR.  I checked
>> before I started to confirm that the version of gdal I'm using supports
>> Postgresql and the ogrinfo --formats prints ->  "PostgreSQL" (read/write)
>> so I believe that confirms it.
>> so both ogrinfo -ro PG:'dbname=mydb' and ogrinfo -ro PG:"dbname='mydb'"
>> and ogrinfo -ro PG:"dbname='mydb' user='dbakeman' port='5432'" return
>> the same failure which is to print FAILURE: and a list of drivers which
>> again includes postgresql.  I skipped the password part because I'm on a
>> system where I'm happy to run the ident authentication locally at least.
>> Here's what happens if I do psql -d mydb
>> \d
>>                  List of relations
>>    Schema |       Name        | Type  |  Owner
>> --------+-------------------+-------+----------
>>    public | geography_columns | view  | dbakeman
>>    public | geometry_columns  | table | dbakeman
>>    public | products_swordxml | table | dbakeman
>>    public | pxml_points       | view  | dbakeman
>>    public | spatial_ref_sys   | table | dbakeman
>>    public | sword_trap        | table | dbakeman
>> Which is a list of the tables I've created.
>> Eli Adam wrote:
>>> David,
>>>        It probably is a configuration or simple error, however, you've
>>> not given much detail to let other people try to guess what it might
>>> be.  Kyle asked for the output of your command.  Also, the exact
>>> command (copied from terminal) may help too.  I looked at the OGR
>>> PosrgreSQL/PostGIS format page and copied this:
>>> PG:"dbname='databasename' host='addr' port='5432' user='x' password='y'"
>>> Could you try
>>> ogrinfo PG:"dbname='mydb' host='localhost' port='5432' user='x'
>>> password='y'"
>>> from the host machine?
>>> What do you get?
>>> PostgreSQL requires very complex quoting if you have any CAPs, do you
>>> have any caps in the db name, table, name, fieldname, etc?  With lack
>>> of information, I'm making random guesses that may not be relevant.
>>> I'm sure that if you provide detailed information, someone
>>> knowledgeable will quickly help you (or at least that is what I often
>>> observe on this list).
>>> Bests, Eli
>>> On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 5:10 PM, David J. Bakeman<dbakeman at comcast.net>
> wrote:
>>>> Mateusz Łoskot wrote:
>>>>> On 13 October 2011 23:47, David J. Bakeman<dbakeman at comcast.net>
> wrote:
>>>>>> I'm on Fedora core 14 with gdal 1.7.3.
>>>>>> I setup postgre and created a spatial enabled database with a table
>>>>>> that includes geometry.  I can connect using psql mydb.  However when
>>>>>> I try ogrinfo -ro PG:dbname=mydb it fails saying no driver found.
>>>>> ogrinfo --formats | grep -i post
>>>> ->   "PostgreSQL" (read/write)
>>>> I really think it's some configuration thing but I don't know what it
>>>> is?
>>>>> and see if your GDAL/OGR installation has built-in PostgreSQL support.
>>>>> Best regards,
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