[gdal-dev] Backporting rename-internal-libtiff-symbols to GDAL 1.8.0 ubuntu package ?

Julien Malik julien.malik at c-s.fr
Tue Oct 18 09:56:34 EDT 2011

Hi all,

In the frame of recent development aiming at providing the OrfeoToolbox 
functionnalities in Qgis [1], I'm planning on providing an Ubuntu 
package with the necessary binaries, built on top of dependencies from 
the ubuntugis-unstable repository.

The instructions to have it working on Ubuntu and Debian systems is 
described in [2].
As you will see, it is currently *not* possible to build the binaries on 
top of the current GDAL 1.8.0 package, because of a symbol clash issue 
with libtiff/libgeotiff (that has already been discussed on this list).
I know the problem has been worked around and a solution is provided in 
GDAL trunk which can remangle the internal libtiff/libgeotiff symbol.

Therefore, my plan is to provide, in our PPA ([3], [4]), yet-another 
patched GDAL 1.8.0 package integrating this fix, and building gdal with 
--with-rename-internal-libtiff-symbols=yes and 
I think applying and using the "rename-internal-libtiff-symbols" patch 
will create an ABI compatible GDAL library (the ultimate goal is of 
course to provide a package which is ABI-compatible with all the 
packages of ubuntugis-unstable).

I would appreciate the opinion of GDAL developers and Ubuntu/Debian 
package maintainers about this assumption I'm making.
Do you see an issue that I would have missed ?

This patched GDAL package will become obsolete as soon as GDAL 1.9 is 
As such it will be removed from our PPA as soon as possible.

Best regards,

[1] http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/qgis-developer/2011-October/016275.html
[3] https://launchpad.net/~otb/+archive/orfeotoolbox-nightly
[4] https://launchpad.net/~otb/+archive/orfeotoolbox-stable-ubuntugis

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