[gdal-dev] gdal_contour stuck in processing?

Graeme Merrall graeme at inetix.com.au
Mon Oct 24 01:57:04 EDT 2011

You can download it from http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5657619/dtm.tif  Only 9.6Mb


On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 3:02 PM, Chaitanya kumar CH
<chaitanya.ch at gmail.com>wrote:

> Graeme,
> Can you provide a small sample image for testing?
> On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 9:20 AM, Graeme Merrall <graeme at inetix.com.au>wrote:
>> Correction, the cmdline was "gdal_contour -a ELEL -i 10.0 dtm.tif
>> dtm-10m.shp"
>> On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 1:58 PM, Graeme Merrall <graeme at inetix.com.au>wrote:
>>> Apologies for the delay in replying.
>>> I ran the same command with 10m spacing "gdal_contour -a ELEL -i 1.0
>>> dtm.tif dtm-10m.shp" and the same issue occurred.   I also ran the DTM
>>> through gdal_translate to add projection info just in case. Note this is
>>> gdal_1.8.1 running on Ubuntu Lucid not from deb's but a custom compile
>>> The same symptoms occur, it gets to around 7% or so then hangs. Load goes
>>> through the roof.
>>> Ran it through strace and seems to get stuck in massive loop with calling
>>> brk()
>>> Cheers,
>>>  Graeme
>>> On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 4:03 PM, Chaitanya kumar CH <
>>> chaitanya.ch at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Graeme,
>>>> Can you try again with a much larger interval?
>>>>  On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 6:32 AM, Graeme Merrall <graeme at inetix.com.au>wrote:
>>>>> I'm trying out gdal_contour just to see what falls out of it as an
>>>>> experiment.  I've noticed it seems to get to "0.."  e.g. 7% or so, and
>>>>> then seems to hang.  I'm trying it on a relatively small DTM
>>>>> The cmdline is pretty simple "gdal_contour -a ELEL -i 1.0
>>>>> dtm_11072101.tif dtm-1m.shp"
>>>>> and gdalinfo gives the following info  about the image
>>>>> Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
>>>>> Files: dtm_11072101.tif
>>>>>      dtm_11072101.tfw
>>>>> Size is 1000, 2500
>>>>> Coordinate System is `'
>>>>> Origin = (488000.000000000000000,7198000.000000000000000)
>>>>> Pixel Size = (2.000000000000000,-2.000000000000000)
>>>>> Metadata:
>>>>>  TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT=3 (pixels/cm)
>>>>> Image Structure Metadata:
>>>>> Corner Coordinates:
>>>>> Upper Left  (  488000.000, 7198000.000)
>>>>> Lower Left  (  488000.000, 7193000.000)
>>>>> Upper Right (  490000.000, 7198000.000)
>>>>> Lower Right (  490000.000, 7193000.000)
>>>>> Center      (  489000.000, 7195500.000)
>>>>> Band 1 Block=1000x2 Type=UInt32, ColorInterp=Gray
>>>>> I admit I'm at a loss as to how to proceed/troubleshoot so any
>>>>> pointers gratefully received. I tried popping it through
>>>>> gdal_translate to add a projection but it seems to have the same issue
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>  Graeme
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>>>> --
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Chaitanya kumar CH.
>>>> +91-9494447584
>>>> 17.2416N 80.1426E
> --
> Best regards,
> Chaitanya kumar CH.
> +91-9494447584
> 17.2416N 80.1426E
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