[gdal-dev] Trouble using gdal_rasterize

guillaume huby guillaume.huby.lists at gmail.com
Fri Oct 28 11:29:01 EDT 2011


I am using Gdal 1.8.1 (gdalinfo --version -> GDAL 1.8.1, released

I used gdal_rasterize to burn some tif file with values from a shapefile:

> gdal_rasterize -a ID -l vector_test vector_test.shp test_out.tif

My tif file contains a unique layer of type UInt32.

The shape files contains an ID column with four features with ID 28021201,
28021202, 28021203 and 28021204.

But test_out.tif is not burned correctly it has :
- 28021200 where 28021201 is expected;
- 28021204 where 28021203 is expected;
- others values are OK.

I can provide sample files if needed.

Is there something I missuse in my command line or is it a normal issue ?

Thanks for your replies.

Best regards,
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