[gdal-dev] Motion: Commit Access for Etienne Tourigny
Even Rouault
even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Fri Sep 2 16:42:16 EDT 2011
Motion: Extend GDAL/OGR Commit Access to Etienne Tourigny
Kyle Shannon and I would like to propose Etienne Tourigny for commit access to
GDAL subversion repository.
Etienne has recently contributed in the developement of the netCDF driver. He
has submitted many ideas for fixes and improvements in the driver ( see this
thread http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-dev/2011-August/029865.html ),
that he has organized in this wiki page :
He has also proposed various patches to tickets in Trac, or engaged discussion
with their reporters :
Etienne has graduated in Computer Science at Université de Montréal and
Master's in Atmospheric Science at UQAM. He's currently working on his PhD in
Meteorology at INPE/CPTEC/CCST in Brazil. His interest in GDAL has arisen
because he's working with burned area and land cover maps at high (Landsat)
and medium (MODIS) resolutions and he has a need for fixing and improving the
driver so as to be able to produce files in netcdf format. He has also been
involved in the CDO operators, and started a discussion with the devs on
incorporating geotiff and full Proj.4 support. He has also submitted minor bug
reports and enhancements for QGIS.
Etienne, could you reply to this message indicating your agreement to the
guidelines listed in:
I'll start voting with my support:
Best regards,
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