[gdal-dev] How do I convert LL to UTM?

dev4cx4m9z at snkmail.com dev4cx4m9z at snkmail.com
Sat Sep 24 08:45:43 EDT 2011

Sorry - left critical line out of previous post. Is there a web based
version of this mailing list? It's a bit tedious with mailman.


Can anybody see what I'm doing wrong (and don't say writing it in VB.NET) in
my logic of converting a Lat/Long to UTM? All the assignments, except the
lat one, are successful


   Dim MapSRS As New OGRSpatialReference       ' Coordinate system of map

   Dim UTMSRS As New OGRSpatialReference       ' Coordinate system for UTM

   Dim CT As OGRCoordinateTransformation       ' Coordinate transform from
map to UTM

   Dim GDALError As NCSError


   GDALError = WGS84SRS.SetWellKnownGeogCS("WGS84")          ' Define WGS84
coordinate system

   GDALError = UTMSRS.SetWellKnownGeogCS("WGS84")              ' Define a
UTM coordinate system

   GDALError = MapSRS.ImportFromEPSG(3517)


   GDALError = UTMSRS.SetUTM(55, false)

   CT = CreateCoordinateTransformation(MapSRS, UTMSRS)        ' Create a
coordinate transformation


   UTMeast = cursor.X : UTMnorth = cursor.Y            ' cursor.X = Lon;
cursor.Y = Lat

   Success = CT.TransformPoint(UTMeast, UTMnorth, 0)           ' Transform
the point


Success returns false, and UTMeast = -505516.60123597935 and UTMnorth =



Marc Hillman, Melbourne, Australia


marc .hillman @ t p g . c o m . a u

Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

Early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?

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