[gdal-dev] Potential thrashing on Band #

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Sat Aug 11 09:45:57 PDT 2012

Le mercredi 08 août 2012 18:01:33, Jay L. a écrit :
> List,
> I am receiving the "Potential thrashing on bans x of <image> message doing
> some image manipulation using the python bindings.
> I am manually setting the cache to 1GB and calling band.FlushCache().  I am
> also reading the image at either the block size or multiples of the block
> size.
> What other techniques exist to reduce the potential to have band thrashing?
>  The RasterIO call is the curent bottleneck and I thrashing is not helping
> at all.

Unless you experiment severe performance problems, you can ignore this debug 
message. If your algorithm reads several times the whole image, even while 
being careful of aligning on blocks etc.., the warning will be emitted. It is 
just a hint, not something 100% reliable.

> Best,
> Jay

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