[gdal-dev] FileGDB -preserve_fid
Even Rouault
even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Thu Dec 13 00:14:51 PST 2012
Le jeudi 13 décembre 2012 02:24:40, Jeremy Palmer a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'm trying to copy data from PostgreSQL to FileGDB. My PostgreSQL table has
> a primary key column and ogr indenties it as the FID e.g
> CREATE TABLE public.test_fileGDB (
> data1 TEXT,
> shape GEOMETRY(POINT, 4167)
> );
> INSERT INTO public.test_fileGDB (id, data1, shape) VALUES (100, 'FileGDB
> test record', ST_SetSrid(ST_MakePoint(160, -40), 4167));
> ogrinfo PG:'dbname=my_db' public.test_filegdb
> INFO: Open of `PG:dbname=my_db'
> using driver `PostgreSQL' successful.
> Layer name: test_filegdb
> Geometry: Point
> Feature Count: 1
> Extent: (160.000000, -40.000000) - (160.000000, -40.000000)
> Layer SRS WKT:
> GEOGCS["NZGD2000",
> DATUM["New_Zealand_Geodetic_Datum_2000",
> SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]],
> TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","6167"]],
> PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],
> UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","4167"]]
> FID Column = id
> Geometry Column = shape
> data1: String (0.0)
> OGRFeature(test_filegdb):100
> data1 (String) = FileGDB test record
> POINT (160 -40)
> However when I try to copy it into a FileGDB the FID data is lost:
> ogr2ogr -preserve_fid --config FGDB_BULK_LOAD YES -f FileGDB test.gdb
> PG:'dbname=my_db' public.test_filegdb -nln test_filegdb
> ogrinfo test.gdb test_filegdb
> INFO: Open of `test.gdb'
> using driver `FileGDB' successful.
> Layer name: test_filegdb
> Geometry: Point
> Feature Count: 1
> Extent: (160.000000, -40.000000) - (160.000000, -40.000000)
> Layer SRS WKT:
> GEOGCS["NZGD2000",
> DATUM["New_Zealand_Geodetic_Datum_2000",
> SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]],
> TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","6167"]],
> PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],
> UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","4167"]]
> Geometry Column = SHAPE
> data1: String (0.0)
> OGRFeature(test_filegdb):1
> data1 (String) = FileGDB test record
> POINT (160 -40)
> Is this a bug or did I use the wrong ogr2ogr options?
At first sight, I would say it is a limitation of the FileGDB API.
In FGdbLayer::CreateFeature( OGRFeature *poFeature ),
you can see the following commented code :
/* Cannot write to FID field - it is managed by GDB*/
//std::wstring wfield_name = StringToWString(m_strOIDFieldName);
//hr = fgdb_row.SetInteger(wfield_name, poFeature->GetFID());
So there was an attempt made of preserving the FID, but apparently it doesn't
Looking at Row.h in the FileGDB API include files, I can see that there's a
public GetOID() method, but SetOID() is private. So it seems that the FileGDB
API manages itself the OID.
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