[gdal-dev] RPM-deployed GDAL cannot find plugins

Michael Weisman mweisman at opengeo.org
Mon Feb 13 13:36:07 EST 2012


I am trying to build a redistributable rpm binary of GDAL 1.8.1 with an additional gdal-mrsid package that installs a plugin to provide MrSID support if a user has the Lizard Tech SDK installed. If I install gdal using the standard ./configure, make, make install and then build MrSID support manually using g++ and copy the .so file into /usr/lib64/gdalplugins it works, but if I use rpmbuild and rpm to install these same files, gdalinfo --formats does not list MrSID, even though ldd shows that the plugin is aware of all required libraries.

I am building the MrSID plugin with:
g++ -g frmts/mrsid/*.cpp -shared -o gdal_MrSID.so \
-Ifrmts/gtiff/libgeotiff/ -Igcore -Iogr -Iport -I$MRSID_ROOT/include \
-L$MRSID_ROOT/lib -L.libs \
-lgdal -lltidsdk -lpthread -ldl

Is there a trick in gdal 1.8 to specify a plugin directory? I noticed that Debian GIS has a similar MrSID package that is built with the --with-autoload=$PLUGINDIR flag passed to configure. With gdal 1.8 I get a warning that --with-autoload is an unrecognized option.

I am both building and deploying these RPMs on 64-bit CentOS 5.5.



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