[gdal-dev] Errors in NITF gdal 1.8.1

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Wed Feb 15 17:01:06 EST 2012

Le mercredi 15 février 2012 22:28:05, Billy Newman a écrit :
> I am getting the following warnings/errors when try to open/read NITF files
> using gdal 1.8.1.  Wondering if anyone has seen these before and can tell
> me what they mean.
> Warning 1: Block start for block 0 is wrong. Retrying with one extra byte
> shift.
> Error 1: For <file_path>, assert sizeX == ds_sizeX failed.
> I don't remember seeing this issue with 1.7.3.
> Thanks

You tried to open the A.TOC file, right ? It would be helpfull if you could 
provide the data that triggered that. A quick look at the relevant code 
doesn't seem to show any significant difference between 1.7.3 and 1.8.1

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