[gdal-dev] Fwd: [OpenJPEG] python issues with j2k_to_image and image_to_j2k (version 1.5)

Norman Vine nhv at cape.com
Wed Feb 29 08:30:57 EST 2012

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Xavier Gorroño <xavi.gorronyo at gmail.com>
> Date: February 29, 2012 6:25:07 AM EST
> To: OpenJPEG <openjpeg at googlegroups.com>
> Subject: [OpenJPEG] python issues with j2k_to_image and image_to_j2k (version 1.5)
> Reply-To: openjpeg at googlegroups.com
> I have been working in an application for a future satellite which
> needs to load JPEG2000 images.
> The libraries in python are not optimised in order to deal with this
> image format and, therefore, I need to convert from JPEG2000 to TIFF
> and vice versa. I chose kakadu and everything works fine. However, I
> decided to try with OPENJPEG 1.5 since it is open-source and it seems
> to be the future reference. I have two main problems that I want to
> share:
> 1. The information is shown in the command prompt every time I run the
> program. I redirect the output to a "garbage" txt as a solution.
> However, it works for "j2k_to_image" but not for "image_to_j2k". I
> think it would be nice an option to avoid these information like in
> kakadu (-quiet).
> 2. I lose the georeference of the pixels. When I convert to TIFF I
> lose it and I found no option in the functions. GDAL can read the
> geoinformation of JPEG2000 but it cannot be directly updated to a
> JPEG2000 file. Therefore, that is for me a limitation. Probably, there
> are some other options... but anyway, it would be nice if the
> application recognises that information automatically like with
> kakadu.
> Thanks in advance
> -- 
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