[gdal-dev] Gdaladdo feels slow with Rasterlite

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Fri Jul 6 12:52:28 PDT 2012

Le vendredi 06 juillet 2012 09:44:54, Rahkonen Jukka a écrit :
> Even Rouault wrote:
> >> One issue there is still.  My original was a highly compressed (deflate)
> >> tiff with a file size of 550 MB.  Initial transform into Rasterlite with
> >> png tiles yielded a 1.2 GB Rasterlite db. Condiderably bigger but still
> >> understandable.  However, gdaladdo has no option to compress internal
> >> overviews which make most sense with Rasterlite.
> > 
> > Good point. Support for specifying options was actually missing. Added in
> > trunk in r24660.
> Feels pretty good but I have an odd problem with a multitable database.  I
> can only create overviews for the table that was written first into the
> database.

Good point. There was indeed an issue with multitable database and overviews. 
Fixed in http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/4737


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