[gdal-dev] Any plans for a GDAL WMTS driver?
Even Rouault
even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Sat Jul 7 03:58:33 PDT 2012
Le samedi 07 juillet 2012 08:45:33, Jukka Rahkonen a écrit :
> Hi,
> National Land Survey of Finland has opened an experimental WMTS service.
> GetCapabolities is found from
> http://karttatiili.fi/dataset/taustakarttasarja/capabilities/wmts.xml??REQU
> EST=GetCapabilities Unfortunately GDAL does not have a WMTS driver yet. Are
> there any plans for making such?
This is something I've also thought to. At first sight WMTS shouldn't be so
different of other tiled protocols (WMS-C, TMS, etc..), but there's an annoying
difficulty : in WMTS, the different overview levels have not necessarily the same
spatial extent (in the server you are mentionning, this seems to be indeed the
case (*)), which doesn't fit natively into the GDAL model. An idea would be to
take into account the tiling scheme and spatial extent of the most precise
level, and use perhaps a in-memory VRT to do on-the-fly clipping of the
overview levels. But that doesn't fit very well in the architecture of the
"minidrivers" of the WMS driver.
You can see it by downloading the 4 following tiles at level 10 :
And then the one that, in a classical tiling scheme, should cover the same
area at level 9 :
But if you reassemble the 4 tiles of level 10, you'll see that the tile of
level 9 is located at the north, with a shift of the height of a tile of level
This indeed comes from the TileMatrix definition, where one can see that the
top of each level is not the same. And indeed, as
ScaleDenominator=7142.857142857143 is equivalent to 2 m and
ScaleDenominator=3571.4285714285716 is equivalent to 1 m, one can see that the
tile at row=0 at level 10 is at the half of tile at row = 0 at level 9.
<TopLeftCorner>0.0 1.0000384E7</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>0.0 1.0000128E7</TopLeftCorner>
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
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