[gdal-dev] Use Ogr Geometry childs classes in C#.

Benjamin benjamin.lux at maxsea.fr
Thu Jul 26 01:28:50 PDT 2012


I code in C# with Ogr wrapers - gdal_csharp.dll, gdalconst_csharp.dll,
ogr_csharp.dll and osr_csharp.dll -

I want use specifics polygon methods on my geometry as "OGRLinearRing *
OGRPolygon::getInteriorRing ( int iRing )".

But it seems that the Polygon classe doesn't exist with the C# wraper.
There is a enum wkbGeometryType but not the class. 

I know nothing about swig but I took a look at swig files into sources
("gdal-1.9.1\swig\include\csharp") and, in fact, I didn't see the Geometry
childs classes.

Is it an ogr or a geos issue ?
Anyone know a C# wraper of Ogr that include these classes ?

Best regards,

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