[gdal-dev] Motion to adopt the RFC 39

Martin Chapman chapmanm at pixia.com
Wed Jun 27 12:09:40 PDT 2012


I really like the idea and your proposed functions.  I would like to
propose additional ideas:

1. In addition to the spatial operations also have the spatial predicates
like intersects, contains, within, etc...

2. Add an additional spatial predicate called IntersectsEvenOdd that uses
the even odd winding method for fast intersection.  The way geos does
intersects is really rigorous but too slow for rendering purposes.
IntersectsEvenOdd can be really useful when you just want to reduce the
number of geometries you render in your view.

3. Add support for mensuration such as calculating area or perimeter.
Maybe use GeographicLib for measurement in decimal degrees and simple
algorithms for planimetric calculations (when in projected space).  Have
enumerations for units such as metric units and us survey units.

4. Add a way to tag features in a layer to selected or unselected or
provide a linked list of feature ids so after a predicate operation is
completed you can iterate through the feature list and determine all the
features that intersected. 

Just some thoughts.

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: gdal-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:gdal-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Ari Jolma
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 12:40 PM
To: 'gdal-dev'
Subject: [gdal-dev] Motion to adopt the RFC 39


Some time ago I and Even spent some time to work on a patch which would
initially implement the RFC OGR Layer Algebra. The RFC proposes new API
for GDAL 2.0. The RFC is at

We believe the RFC and associated patch is now ready for approval.

I will now rise the status of the RFC from development to proposed and
motion to adopt it.

Best regards,

Ari Jolma

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