[gdal-dev] Commiting fixes to tags

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Fri Mar 16 07:56:19 EDT 2012

Selon Ari Jolma <ari.jolma at gmail.com>:

> Folks,
> I made a change to the Perl typemaps in r23038, causing a serious bug in
> the bindings that went unnoticed for a while and, what's most
> unfortunate, was not fixed until after 1.9.0 was released. I've since
> made a CPAN package 1.90 from the bindings where the bug is fixed
> (r23443). The question is now, as I've never commited fixes to tags,
> should this be fixed into the 1.9.0 tag or what's the right thing to do?


Tags are conceptually an immutable snapshot of history. You cannot/should not
try to commit in an existing tag. But you can checkout
https://svn.osgeo.org/gdal/branches/1.9 and push your commit in it (for 1.9.1).
We require an associated ticket to track changes to stable branches.

Best regards,


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