[gdal-dev] How to read part of the tiff data and generate a new tiff file

Chaitanya kumar CH chaitanya.ch at gmail.com
Wed May 2 10:13:40 EDT 2012


You can get some free samples at http://www.webgis.com/terr_us1deg.html

On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 1:45 PM, weixj <weixj2003ld at 163.com> wrote:

> Thank you for your answer.
> I want to know that where I can get the free DEM data?
> I want a sample data,and test my program.
> Thank you.
> At 2012-05-02 12:57:41,"Chaitanya kumar CH" <chaitanya.ch at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> weixj,
> Digital Elevation Model is a type of data. In this context, it is a grid
> of elevation values stored in a raster file.
> DEM refers to height. The underlying raster format can be anything.
> The only reference I found for .gmp format is "Global Mapper Package".
> Perhaps you can find more on the global mapper forums and by opening it in
> a binary editor.
> If the data is stored as raw data, you may be able to read it after
> creating a .vrt file to describe it.
> On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 8:03 AM, weixj <weixj2003ld at 163.com> wrote:
>>  DEM is a data format,and the file name extension has many formats,is it
>> right?
>> My colleage give me file  and its name is 90mDataHeight.gmp,and I use the
>> following code read it,and find that it can not open the file.
>> code:
>> GDALAllRegister();
>>  poDataset=(GDALDataset
>> *)GDALOpen(fileName.toLatin1().data(),GA_ReadOnly);
>>  if(poDataset==NULL)
>>  {
>>   QMessageBox::warning(0,"","can not open file:"+fileName);
>>   return false;
>>  }
>> I do not know why?
>> How many formats of DEM file?
>> Thank you.
>> 在 2012-04-25 20:11:45,"Chaitanya kumar CH" <chaitanya.ch at gmail.com> 写道:
>> sure
>> 2012/4/25 weixj <weixj2003ld at 163.com>
>>>  If the file is DEM?the same?
>>> At 2012-04-24 19:36:11,"Chaitanya kumar CH" <chaitanya.ch at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> weixj,
>>> You can use the -projwin option of gdal_translate utility.
>>> http://www.gdal.org/gdal_translate.html
>>> 2012/4/24 weixj <weixj2003ld at 163.com>
>>>>  I have a tiff file and four points' coordination(and they are in the
>>>> range of the min and max value of the coordination of the tiff file,I want
>>>> to generate a new tiff file,and the edge of it is constructed by the four
>>>> points.
>>>> Thank you  in advance.
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> 网易Lofter,专注兴趣,分享创作! <http://www.lofter.com/>
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>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Chaitanya kumar CH.
>>> +91-9494447584
>>> 17.2416N 80.1426E
>>> ------------------------------
>>> 网易Lofter,专注兴趣,分享创作! <http://www.lofter.com/>
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Chaitanya kumar CH.
>> +91-9494447584
>> 17.2416N 80.1426E
>> ------------------------------
>> 网易Lofter,专注兴趣,分享创作! <http://www.lofter.com/>
> --
> Best regards,
> Chaitanya kumar CH.
> +91-9494447584
> 17.2416N 80.1426E

Best regards,
Chaitanya kumar CH.

17.2416N 80.1426E
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