[gdal-dev] No Spatial Reference System from UTM Ozi .map file

Jukka Rahkonen jukka.rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Mon Nov 12 04:38:36 PST 2012

Nik Sands <nixanz <at> nixanz.com> writes:

> I appreciate that (hence pasting the content of the file in my original
email).  However, I don't know how to
> be certain that the text I put into the file represents something that makes
> However, as I said I will give it a shot (when I get back to my computer).

This is my guess:
Point01,xy,    0,    0,in, deg,    ,        ,,    ,        ,, grid,
Point02,xy, 1000, 1000,in, deg,    ,        ,,    ,        ,, grid,
Point03,xy,    0, 1000,in, deg,    ,        ,,    ,        ,, grid,

Having two calibration points in OziExplorer .map files is not at all uncommon
and with digital maps and orthophotos in some projected coordinate system there
is no need to have more. Same situation basically than with ESRI world file
georeferencing when just one anchor point and pixel size is given.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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