[gdal-dev] convert one band data in rgba

Kees Kling ckling at upcmail.nl
Fri Nov 16 04:03:47 PST 2012


I want to convert an indexed image to  a rgba color image with help of a 

so I created a GDALDataset

drv = (GDALDriver *) GDALGetDriverByName("MEM");
if (!drv) {
      throw "Unable to register GDAL Memory Driver";
GDALDataset* tmpdata = 

// Added the colortable
CPLErr err = tmpdata->GetRasterBand(1)->SetColorTable(cTable);

// Inserted the data from a byte array
             (unsigned char 
             GDT_Byte,1, NULL, 0, 0,0);

 From here on I'm stuck.
How do I go on to convert this data to a in memory GDALDataset with 4 
channels (R,G,B,A)


Kees Kling

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