[gdal-dev] Georeferencing and reprojecting geostationary images

Tobias Lohner tobias at lohner-net.de
Wed Nov 21 09:46:59 PST 2012

Hi List,

I'd like to reproject EUMETSAT EView (geostationary weather satellite)
images to EPSG:3857 (aka web mercator), but I only got jpeg files
without any georeference.

I tried to add several (up to 16 more or less) equally distributed
ground control points to the image using gdal_transform and warping the
result with gdalwarp:

# add gcps
gdal_translate -gcp x y lon lat [...] image.jpg output.tiff
# convert the image to EPSG:3857
gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:3857 output.tiff output_3857.tiff

Using third order warping or the thin plate transformer produces a
reprojected image which doesn't fit to the target coordinate system,
especially the corners are off by 0.1 to 0.3 degrees.

Is it possible to tell gdal that the source images are in geostationary
satellite view (geos projection) for reprojecting them?

Tobias Lohner

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