[gdal-dev] Mixed SRSes ?
Even Rouault
even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Fri Nov 30 07:21:29 PST 2012
Selon Pierrick.BRIHAYE at region-bretagne.fr:
> Hi,
> "Yves Jacolin (Free)" <yjacolin at free.fr> a écrit sur 30/11/2012 14:33:47 :
> > did you try something like this (ie with s_srs EPSG:27562):
> >
> > .binogr2ogr.exe -f "ESRI Shapefile" polygons.shp polygons.gml -t_srs
> > EPSG:27572 -s_srs EPSG:27562 -nlt POLYGON -lco ENCODING=ISO-8859-1
> Well... no. Because my input files have *mixed* SRSes...
> Should I assume that -s_srs would override my GML SRSes ? I so... how
> would it work ?
No, it wouldn't work as you would expect: it would override the SRS of each
geometry with the one indicated by -s_srs.
Currently, ogr2ogr isn't ready to support per-feature SRS and reprojection, but
there's nothing fundamentally impossible, since in the OGR data model,
individual geometries can point to a specific SRS. The main difficulity is that
I don't think the GML driver is ready yet for that. Would you mind sharing a
sample GML file with mixed SRS ? I'll try to see if something can be done.
Kenavo :-)
> Cheers,
> --
> Pierrick Brihaye
> Coordinateur du pôle ressources / médiation
> Conseil Régional de Bretagne
> 2 rue Gabriel Germain
> 35000 Rennes
> +33 2 22 93 98 24
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