[gdal-dev] Why have I got SRS 900914 in my PostGIS table after ogr2ogr alimentation ?

SAEZ Laurent - SG/SPSSI/CPII/DOM/ETER/PNE IG Laurent.Saez at developpement-durable.gouv.fr
Wed Oct 24 23:34:44 PDT 2012

Thanks Even for your new answer.

I have found my mistake. I haven't deleted the 900914 entry in my 
spatial_ref_sys table.
So, when I request auth_srid = 4467, it returns 2 entries : 900914 and 4467.
When I delete 900914 entry every thing works fine.

Thanks a lot

Le 24/10/2012 20:23, > Even Rouault (par Internet) a écrit  :
> Le mercredi 24 octobre 2012 08:48:54, SAEZ Laurent -
>> Thanks Even for your answer.
>> In fact I add EPSG code 4467 in my spatial_ref_sys with the definition I
>> took in PostGIS 2.0.
>> So this code is present in the table spatial_ref_sys and I do not
>> understand why the code 900914 is added.
> ok, I see no reason why this should not work. In order to debug this, you can
> just try to run the following SQL request, which is exactly what the PG driver
> will do to determine if the SRS already exists in spatial_ref_sys or if it
> must add another entry.
> SELECT srid FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE auth_name = 'EPSG' AND auth_srid = 4467
> If it doesn't return anything, then a new entry (900914) will be added,
> otherwise it will reuse the returned SRID.
> (in order to that query is done, ogr2ogr must know the EPSG code of the source
> datasource. Otherwise you need to force it with -a_srs EPSG:4467 )
> Even

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