[gdal-dev] to detect a point in ageometry

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Wed Oct 31 06:02:09 PDT 2012

Selon Chaitanya kumar CH <chaitanya.ch at gmail.com>:

> Siva,
> In shapefile format, deleted features are just 'marked' as deleted instead
> of actually removing them. This makes it faster. However, the statistics
> may not be updated. Specifying the the bForce parameter with the
> GetFeatureCount() method may be useful.

Not in the case of the shapefile driver. The bForce parameter is ignored. If you
have deleted features and want an exact feature count, you have to issue a SQL
request "REPACK layer_name".

> To actually remove the features, you have to create a new shapefile layer
> object and save it.

No need to recreate a shapefile. REPACK will actually remove the feature.

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