[gdal-dev] How to publish null as nodata by gdalwarp?
kochizufan at gmail.com
Tue Sep 18 13:44:32 PDT 2012
Very thanks! I could do it.
color-relief's alpha channel masks hillshade's gray sea area, so TMS tiles are
become transparent.
2012/9/18 Even Rouault <even.rouault at mines-paris.org>:
> Le lundi 17 septembre 2012 07:12:24, OHTSUKA Ko-hei a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> I have a GeoTiff DEM, which is written in WGS84 and describes nodata as
>> null. (No data means sea area.)
>> I want to make shaded-color-relief tiff in spherical mercator from it, so I
>> run:
>> gdalwarp -s_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs EPSG:3785 -r bilinear wgs_dem.tif
>> merc_dem.tif
>> gdaldem color-relief -alpha -co ALPHA=YES merc_dem.tif
>> ramp.txt merc_rel.tif
>> gdaldem hillshade -compute_edges merc_dem.tif
>> melc_shd.tiff
>> hsv_merge.py merc_rel.tif melc_shd.tiff melc_shdrel.tiff
>> But, result file melc_shdrel.tiff not contains null data.
>> null data are all changed into value 0, so they are not transparent,
>> and colored as ground.
>> I tried several change to command, consequently,
>> gdalwarp -s_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs EPSG:3785 -srcnodata "" -r bilinear
>> wgs_dem.tif merc_dem.tif
>> This command makes null data not to value 0 but to -9999.
>> "gdaldem color-relief" detect this change and make sea area as transparent.
>> But, "gdaldem hillshade" not detect this, so sea shore shown as huge
>> cliff, and sea area became
>> gray.
>> I tried '--dstnodata' or '-dstalpha' option, but they makes any good
>> change.
>> Is there any ways to get destination data which describes null as
>> nodata in gdalwarp?
> Try adding -dstnodata 0 to your gdalwarp commandline.
> The option -srcnodata "" is likely interpreted as equivalent to -srcnodata 0,
> which should not be necessary at all, as gdalwarp will autodetect it
>> Or, making "gdaldem hillshade" to detect -9999 as nodata?
> In your ramp.txt, make sure that you have a line like :
> "nv 0 0 0 0"
> Note: the important 0 is the 4th one, which means that the alpha component for
> the nodata value (nv) will be 0.
> A quick review of hsv_merge.py shows that it should preserve the alpha band of
> the colored raster.
> But to debug this more easily, make sure to check that the result of each
> intermediate step is OK.
>> Regards,
>> OHTSUKA Ko-hei
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