[gdal-dev] WFS_TurnSQLFilterToOGCFilter has too many parameters in OGRWFSDataSource::ExecuteSQL

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Wed Sep 26 00:37:05 PDT 2012

Selon Odd Ragnar Lydersen <Odd-Ragnar.Lydersen at powel.no>:

> According to the definition WFS_TurnSQLFilterToOGCFilter() should have 6
> arguments, but this one place it has 7.
> I guess the definition is correct, and I have deleted one of the arguments on
> my computer.
> In addition I had to make one more adjustment to make gdal compile, I had to
> comment out the following in swq.cpp:
>         /*else if( EQUAL(osToken,"UNION") )
>             nReturn = SWQT_UNION;
>         else if( EQUAL(osToken,"ALL") )
>             nReturn = SWQT_ALL;*/
> ...because SWQT_UNION and SWQT_ALL were not defined in the header file.
> I'm using code from svn-trunk.

All of this looks very much as if you have only partially svn update'd your GDAL
tree. Fresh checkouts of GDAL trunk compiles just fine, and
WFS_TurnSQLFilterToOGCFilter() has definitely 7 arguments now (you can look at
http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/browser/trunk/gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/wfs )

The same for swq.cpp. SWQT_UNION and SWQT_ALL are additions from several months
ago, and should be defined in ogr/swq_parser.hpp

So 'make clean; svn update; ./configure XXXX; make' at the root of your GDAL

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