[gdal-dev] Feature request: gauss and other interpolations in gdalwarp

Etienne Tourigny etourigny.dev at gmail.com
Tue Apr 9 14:57:04 PDT 2013

On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 6:50 PM, Even Rouault
<even.rouault at mines-paris.org>wrote:

> Le mardi 09 avril 2013 20:34:40, Even Rouault a écrit :
> > Le mardi 09 avril 2013 19:06:28, Etienne Tourigny a écrit :
> > > I have committed new warping methods average and mode to trunk, this
> will
> > > be part of gdal-1.10
> >
> > Hi Etienne,
> >
> > It would be good if you could extend the autotest suite to add tests for
> > those new warping methods. For that, you can likely take inspiration from
> > the first tests of autotest/warp/warp.py. "Reference" images based on
> > utmsmall.tif reference image is a bit big, but you can likely start from
> a
> > smaller source image like byte.tif instead that will produce reference
> > images of reasonable size to be put in svn.
> >
> > Regarding nAlgo == 2 (mode with foating point data), the allocations of
> > pafVals and panSums have the potential to fail if warping is done on a
> > large image whose floating point values are rarely identical. So I think
> > that VSIRealloc shoud be used instead with a test on the result to fail
> > properly. I'm also a bit doubtfull about the practical usefulness of this
> > case on real data. There might also be a performance issue due to the
> loop
> > "//Check array for existing entry" that is at the most inner level of the
> > algorithm.
> I stand corrected on the above comment about big memory consumption. The
> size
> of the array is limited to the number of source pixels needed to compute a
> target pixel, so unless you do extreme subsampling, that should be OK.

> I've just noticed however that pafVals and panSums aren't free'd, so
> there's a
> memory leak currently. And the CPLRealloc() are a bit weird as currently
> coded
> :
>                         int      nMaxNumPx = 0;
>                         float*   pafVals = NULL;
>                         int*     panSums = NULL;
>                         if (nNumPx > nMaxNumPx)
>                         {
>                             pafVals = (float*) CPLRealloc(pafVals, nNumPx *
> sizeof(float));
>                             panSums = (int*) CPLRealloc(panSums, nNumPx *
> sizeof(int));
>                             nMaxNumPx = nNumPx;
>                         }
> The test is always true, so CPLMalloc() would be clearer. But I think there
> was a will to move nMaxNumPx, pafVals, panSums before the top loops. So
> that
> should likely be done.

I thought it is weird also, but again copied over from overview code.

I thought about running valgrind, but then forgot. I will take your
suggestions into consideration, thanks!
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