[gdal-dev] Convert and make ecw transparent - Part 2
Even Rouault
even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Tue Apr 16 14:26:52 PDT 2013
Le mardi 16 avril 2013 23:09:51, Paul Meems a écrit :
> Hi All,
> I'm still working on my process to make my ecw ready for GeoServer and
> enable transparency.
> I've written about it before and got some valuable feedback that allowed me
> to convert my first ecw.
> I now have a second ecw that doesn't work properly with my first steps. For
> this ecw the resulting artifacts are too big.
> I have an aerial photo in ECW format which is composed from several smaller
> photos (mosaic) giving me large white areas in the corners. These white
> areas need to be one color so Geoserver can make it transparent and I can
> put a second layer beneath it. I've tried this with my first ecw file and
> it is working great in Geoserver.
> These are the steps that I take to end up with a tiff file with correct
> nodata values and compression:
> *Step 1*: Convert the ecw to tiff and make all white pixels true white:
> nearblack -of GTiff -white -o white.tif my.ecw
> *Step 2*: Mark white pixels as transparent
> gdalwarp --config GDAL_CACHEMAX 500 -wm 500 -multi -of GTiff -srcnodata
> "255 255 255" -dstnodata "255 255 255" -co tiled=yes -co "BLOCKXSIZE=512"
> -co "BLOCKYSIZE=512" -s_srs EPSG:28992 -overwrite white.tif nodata.tif
> *Step 3*: Compress
> gdal_translate -of GTiff -a_srs EPSG:28992 -co "TILED=YES" -co
> compressed.tif
> *Step 4*: Add overviews
> gdaladdo -r average --config COMPRESS_OVERVIEW JPEG --config
> 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256
> I only do step 2 because nearblack doesn't set the nodata value. Why is
> that? Doesn't it make sense to do so or is it technically not possible?
> My input ECW file is 3.5GB, white.tif (created by nearblack) is 75GB. After
> compression and adding overviews I have a 3.8GB tiff file. This tiff file
> has white artifacts at the edge of the photo data and nodata.
> I don't understand why. My input file (nodata.tif) for the compression has
> proper nodata values set, why doesn't the compression step retain them? I
> can imagine due to the compression algorithm some nodata values are changed
> but isn't it possible to reset them again before saving?
> Because of the artifacts I created a masked tif after step 2 from
> nodata.tif. In this masked tiff all data that is not nodata is set to
> black. Next I run gdal_polygonize.py on this masked data and after 7 days!
> I end up with a 110mb shapefile. I have such a large shapefile because step
> 2 also set some white pixels in the photo area to nodata and those pixels
> are also converted to shapes.
> After some vector processing I finally have my outline of my photo area as
> a shapefile.
> Now I clip the result of step 4 with this shapefile:
> *Step 5*: Clip raster with shapefile:
> gdalwarp -cutline clip.shp -cl clip -crop_to_cutline --config GDAL_CACHEMAX
> 500 -wm 500 -multi -of GTiff -srcnodata "255 255 255" -dstnodata "255 255
> 255" -co tiled=yes -co "BLOCKXSIZE=512" -co "BLOCKYSIZE=512" -s_srs
> EPSG:28992 compressed.tif crop.tif
> This cropped file looks great, the artifacts are gone but the overviews are
> lost.
> So I call gdal_addo again:
> gdaladdo -r average -ro --config COMPRESS_OVERVIEW JPEG --config
> 8 16 32 64 128 256
> Now the artifacts are back again ;(
> Now I tried again without compression:
> gdaladdo -r average -ro crop.tif 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256
> This results in a huge .ovr file, it is still processing. But at 25% the
> size is already 7.2GB
> Meanwhile I tried something else:
> Because I already have my cutline I've tried combining all steps in to one
> command and use the output of step 2 as my input:
> gdalwarp -cutline clip.shp -cl clip -crop_to_cutline --config GDAL_CACHEMAX
> 1500 -wm 500 -multi -wo "USE_OPENCL=TRUE" -of GTiff -srcnodata "255 255
> 255" -dstnodata "255 255 255" -co tiled=yes -co "BLOCKXSIZE=512" -co
> GDAL_TIFF_INTERNAL_MASK YES -s_srs EPSG:28992 nodata.tif cropped.tif
> This time I've used USE_OPENCL=TRUE but it doesn't seems to work. Most
> likely my version of gdal doesn't have openCL enabled.
> I also increased the GDAL_CACHEMAX. I'm not sure what a good value would
> be. I'm running gdal v1.10-64Bit on WinVista64 with 8GB RAM.
> While running above command I still have 3GB to spare.
> The above step also results in a good tiff file of just 3.1GB, but without
> overviews so it loads very slowly.
> I see a few enhancements. The first one is to use faster hardware. I've
> ordered a fast SSD, it will arrive in a few days.
> Hopefully this will speed up my steps.
> But the best optimization would be if step 1 and 2 could be combined and if
> I don't need to create a masked file to get a cutline.
> The combined step only takes 6 hours so that is acceptable, but all goes
> wrong when I add overviews which introduces the artifacts again.
> All steps mentioned here took me almost 4 weeks of computer processing
> time. And still the result is not what I need ;(
> So if anybody can help me with adding overviews to my cropped.tif without
> loosing compression but also without introducing artifacts I would be very
> happy.
> Sorry for the verbose mail. I really would like to read your thoughts about
> this.
Sorry, but I didn't read carefully your email ;-)
Well, as I said before, you should really try your experiments on small images
before going to the full resolution images... It would save some megawatts for
the planet ;-)
I think you're fighting a lost battle. JPEG compression is lossy. So no matter
what you do, you'll get artifacts at the edge between the imagery and the
nodata area. Unless you use a mask. But GeoServer doesn't yet use the GDAL
mask API. So the idea would be to enhance GeoServer to make better use of
GDAL. Or to add a VRT "driver" in Image IO/EXT so that you can trick a
RGB+Mask as a RGBA.
> Thanks,
> Paul
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