[gdal-dev] Missing geometry type when using ogr2ogr to write FileGDB

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Sun Apr 21 13:24:09 PDT 2013

Le dimanche 21 avril 2013 22:18:38, Stefan Keller a écrit :
> Hi Even
> You're right about the parantheses of URLs with & in the shell.
> 2013/4/21 Even Rouault <even.rouault at mines-paris.org>
> > So the geometry type is undefined. OGR then reports a unknown geometry
> type.
> > There could be a mix of geometries in such a layer.
> Yes that's it.
> To be specific, every feature/object/instance has a gml:Box and a
> gml:Polygon (see below).
> That's a weird output from this ArcGIS server stuff and an incomplete
> response of DescribeFeatureType.

There's nothing wrong in the GetFeature output. It is completely legitimate 
and usual to have a gml:Box inside a gml:boundedBy.
The DescribeFeatureType is also valid, but it could be made more specific by 
reporting type="gml:SurfacePropertyType" instead of 

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