[gdal-dev] gdal re-projeciton problem with Polar Stereographic projections
Cziferszky, Andreas
ancz at bas.ac.uk
Wed Apr 24 09:54:11 PDT 2013
Hi list,
We are experiencing problems with GeoTIFF images generated by gdalwarp (v1.9.2) while map projecting towards a Polar Stereographic projection, particularly EPSG:3031 (although other PS map projections showed the same effect). The source image is a World Mercator (EPSG:3395) projected GeoTIFF which displays and reports map proejction info correctly in QGIS, ArcMap, and others. Running
gdalwarp -s_srs EPSG:3395 -t_srs EPSG:3031 test.3395.tif test.3031.tif
generates a GeoTIFF whose map projection info cannot be read using ArcMap (v10.1 in our case). For the out image gdalinfo is reporting
>gdalinfo test.3031.tif
Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Files: test.3031.tif
Size is 398, 398
Coordinate System is:
LOCAL_CS["WGS 84 / Antarctic Polar Stereographic",
SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
Two items seem to be wrong/missing:
1) The LOCAL_CS definition instead of an expected PROJCS definition
2) No projection parameters like PROJECTION["Polar Stereographic..."], PARAMETER["central_meridian",0], UNIT["metre",1,..].. exist, only the AUTHORITY including EPSG code 3031.
In addition, it appears that some (not all) GeoTIFF files projected using gdalwarp (1.9.1) into Polar Stereographic (EPSG:3031) as above cause problems when publishing via the Geoserver admin GUI (v2.2.x). The problem appears when trying to save the raster layer's properties - the native SRS appears undefined, presumably because Geotools has had issues with the LOCAL_CS header, so that only "reproject native to declared" actually works. The other two options ("keep native" and "force declared") cause a stack trace, and failure to save the layer properties.
Files are available at ftp://ftp.bas.ac.uk/ancz/test.3395.tif and ftp://ftp.bas.ac.uk/ancz/test.3031.tif
Any help appreciated.
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