[gdal-dev] Overflow in geojson values
Kyle Shannon
kyle at pobox.com
Thu Aug 1 11:21:05 PDT 2013
On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 11:36 AM, Smith, Michael ERDC-RDE-CRREL-NH
<Michael.Smith at erdc.dren.mil> wrote:
> I'm reading a geojson feed put out by the USGS
> (http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/summary/all_day.geojson)
> but the time/updated values are overflowing. Are there any settings to allow
> the data to come across as bigint or strings?
> For example:
> {"type":"Feature","properties":{"mag":0.46,"place":"2km W of Lemmon Valley,
> Nevada","time":1375291903959,"updated":1375295733317,"tz":-420,"url":"http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/nn00419191","detail":"http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/detail/nn00419191.geojson","felt":null,"cdi":null,"mmi":null,"alert":null,"status":"REVIEWED","tsunami":null,"sig":3,"net":"nn","code":"00419191","ids":",nn00419191,","sources":",nn,","types":",cap,general-link,geoserve,nearby-cities,origin,","nst":12,"dmin":0.069,"rms":0.1034,"gap":74,"magType":"ml","type":"earthquake"},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-119.8773,39.632,5.0829]},"id":"nn00419191"}
> Gets returned as
> OGRFeature(OGRGeoJSON):176
> mag (Real) = 1.7
> place (String) = 21km S of Lowell, Oregon
> time (Integer) = 902732480
> updated (Integer) = 903846662
> tz (Integer) = -420
> url (String) = http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/uw60561592
> detail (String) =
> http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/detail/uw60561592.geojson
> felt (String) = (null)
> cdi (String) = (null)
> mmi (String) = (null)
> alert (String) = (null)
> status (String) = REVIEWED
> tsunami (String) = (null)
> sig (Integer) = 44
> net (String) = uw
> code (String) = 60561592
> ids (String) = ,uw60561592,
> sources (String) = ,uw,
> types (String) = ,cap,general-link,geoserve,nearby-cities,origin,
> nst (Integer) = (null)
> dmin (Real) = 0.24254513
> rms (Real) = 0.24
> gap (Real) = 118.8
> magType (String) = Md
> type (String) = quarry
> POINT (-122.7927 43.7262 0)
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Try the cast operator in ogr sql:
kyle at kyle-workstation:~$ ogrinfo -sql 'select *, cast(time as
character(0)),cast(updated as character(0)) from OGRGeoJSON'
mag (Real) = 2.4
place (String) = 29km N of Brenas, Puerto Rico
time (Integer) = 905049680
updated (Integer) = 908474945
tz (Integer) = -240
url (String) = http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/pr13212004
detail (String) =
felt (String) = (null)
cdi (String) = (null)
mmi (String) = (null)
alert (String) = (null)
status (String) = REVIEWED
tsunami (String) = (null)
sig (Integer) = 89
net (String) = pr
code (String) = 13212004
ids (String) = ,pr13212004,
sources (String) = ,pr,
types (String) = ,cap,geoserve,nearby-cities,origin,tectonic-summary,
nst (String) = 13
dmin (Real) = 0.30722383
rms (Real) = 0.27
gap (Real) = 219.6
magType (String) = Md
type (String) = earthquake
time (String) = 905049680
updated (String) = 908474945
POINT (-66.3495 18.7346 29)
note the values at the bottom, time and update as (String). You could
write the entire field list in the sql and substitue time and updated
for the casted values.
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