[gdal-dev] Issue reprojecting geo tiff

Reaves, Timothy treaves at silverfieldstech.com
Wed Aug 14 05:24:56 PDT 2013

I'm using GDAL 1.10.0, released 2013/04/24 .  I am playing with TileMill,
and want to add USGS topo maps. These topo maps are geo PDF.  I'm following
along one of their documents, and the first thing I do is convert the PDF
to TIFF.

gdal_translate -of GTiff -co "TILED=YES" -co "TFW=YES"
PA_Tionesta_20130621_TM_geo.pdf PA_Tionesta_20130621_TM_geo.tiff
ERROR 1: Couldn't find group for reference to set OFF
Input file size is 13652, 17403
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.

I do not like the ERROR; that should mean that the conversion failed;
however, and output TIFF is generated.  So I use it.

The next step is the re-translation:

gdalwarp -s_srs EPSG:4269 -t_srs EPSG:3785 -r bilinear
PA_Tionesta_20130621_TM_geo.tiff PA_Tionesta_20130621_TM_geo_3785.tiff
ERROR 1: Too many points (10201 out of 10201) failed to transform,
unable to compute output bounds.

This ERROR does not create output.

Now, in my playing around, I have two PDF's I'm wanting to add.  This one,
for Tionesta, PA, and one for Lodi, OH.  In looking at the two PDF's there
are obviously differences between the two.  The one for Lodi is from 2010,
and is more what I am used to seeing as a USGS topo map; a satalite image
with drawing on it for elevation,etc.  The one for Tionesta looks to be
brand new, from 2013/06, and looks different.  It has several layers in it
where shading is done, etc.  So I tried that one too.  It does not produce
the first error, but does the second.

I've found only two examples of doing this on the web, and I'm doing it the
same as both.  As I'd image USGS topo maps are played with a good deal (not
necessarily for TileMill), I'd assume I'm doing something wrong, and it's
not the software.  But...

Can anyone help me with this?  I'd appreciate it!
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