[gdal-dev] Motion: Approve GDAL/OGR 1.10.1RC1 for release

Kurt Schwehr schwehr at gmail.com
Sat Aug 24 10:57:47 PDT 2013

LGTM with respect to fink package on mac osx 10.8

- Looks like I have a todo on jasper.
- not sure on http_4
- png.py and test_gdalwarp below.
- rest are flagged as know issues or pre-release things


 ------------ Failures ------------
Script: ogr/ogr_shape.py
  TEST: ogr_shape_68 ... fail
    line 3249: fail
Script: gcore/basic_test.py
  TEST: basic_test_8 ... fail
    line 161: fail
Script: gcore/gdal_api_proxy.py
  TEST: gdal_api_proxy_3 ... fail
Script: gdrivers/gdalhttp.py
  TEST: http_4 ... fail
Script: gdrivers/jpeg2000.py
  TEST: jpeg2000_8 ... fail
    line 189: Jasper library would need patches
Script: gdrivers/png.py
  TEST: png_1 ... fail
    line 429: Checksum for band 1 in "test.png" is 6846, but expected 57921.
  TEST: png_2 ... fail
    line 484: Failed to create test file using CreateCopy method.
libpng: No IDATs written into file
Script: utilities/test_gdalwarp.py
  TEST: test_gdalwarp_33 ... fail

Succeeded: 2608
Failed:    8 (0 blew exceptions)
Skipped:   723
Expected fail:12
Duration:  06m4.3s
As GDAL_DOWNLOAD_TEST_DATA environment variable is not defined, 107 tests relying on data to downloaded from the Web have been skipped
As GDAL_RUN_SLOW_TESTS environment variable is not defined, 22 "slow" tests have been skipped


python png.py
  TEST: png_1 ... ERROR 1: libpng: IDAT: invalid distance too far back
ERROR 1: data/test.png, band 1: IReadBlock failed at X offset 0, Y offset 29
ERROR 1: GetBlockRef failed at X block offset 0, Y block offset 29
ERROR 3: Checksum value couldn't be computed due to I/O read error.

    line 429: Checksum for band 1 in "test.png" is 6846, but expected 57921.
  TEST: png_2 ... ERROR 1: libpng: IDAT: invalid distance too far back
ERROR 1: data/test.png, band 1: IReadBlock failed at X offset 0, Y offset 29
ERROR 1: libpng: IDAT: invalid distance too far back
ERROR 1: data/test.png, band 1: IReadBlock failed at X offset 0, Y offset 30
ERROR 1: libpng: IDAT: invalid distance too far back

  TEST: test_gdalwarp_32 ... success
  TEST: test_gdalwarp_33 ... Diff at pixel (160, 0) : 7.000000
Diff at pixel (161, 0) : 1.000000
Diff at pixel (162, 0) : 6.000000
Diff at pixel (165, 0) : 2.000000
Diff at pixel (167, 0) : 8.000000
Diff at pixel (169, 0) : 8.000000
Diff at pixel (173, 0) : 4.000000
Diff at pixel (174, 0) : 9.000000
Diff at pixel (176, 0) : 9.000000
Diff at pixel (189, 0) : 10.000000
Diff at pixel (266, 0) : 13.000000
Diff at pixel (284, 0) : 17.000000
Diff at pixel (172, 1) : 22.000000
Diff at pixel (265, 1) : 31.000000
Diff at pixel (301, 6) : 32.000000
Diff at pixel (388, 37) : 38.000000
Diff at pixel (118, 319) : 40.000000
Max diff : 40
Number of diffs : 3683
  TEST: test_gdalwarp_34 ... success

On Aug 23, 2013, at 11:27 AM, Even Rouault <even.rouault at mines-paris.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> PSC members, please vote for the following motion after conducting your own 
> testing.
> Non-PSC members please let us know if you discover problems.
> ---
> Motion: The GDAL/OGR 1.10.1RC1 package is promoted as the
> final GDAL/OGR 1.10.1 release.
> +1 Even
> -- 
> Geospatial professional services
> http://even.rouault.free.fr/services.html
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