[gdal-dev] Patch for GDAL Web Mercator Issue / trac 3962
Even Rouault
even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Thu Aug 29 11:53:37 PDT 2013
Hi Michael,
My main question is : how sure are we about the projection name
"Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere" to be the appropriate one for "standard" WKT ? Is
there some reference from that ? The fact that ESRI uses it doesn't make it
necesserarily a standard (although it can serve as a base if there's no
I did a quick search, and in the Java world, I've found :
- GeoTools (
http://docs.geotools.org/latest/userguide/library/referencing/crs.html ) :
also seems to use Mercator_1SP (but the example is the hackish 900913).
* GeoToolkit, fork of GeoTools, would also use Mercator_1SP (
http://www.geotoolkit.org/modules/referencing/faq.html#Google )
- GeoServer ( according to a openlayer doc at
http://trac.osgeo.org/openlayers/wiki/SphericalMercator ) would use
"Mercator_1SP_Google". Seem to be confirmed by
, but the comment in the file suggests this custom projection is no longer used
and that it now relies on GeoTools support, hence Mercator_1SP.
Perhaps the issue could be pushed to some generalist list, like
standards at list.osgeo.org and/or metacrs at lists.osgeo.org lists to see if
there's some concencus on the appropriate WKT for EPSG:3857
You mention that "applications which depend on the WKT (e.g. MrSID) to expose
the SRS will see improved recognition". But which format are you refering too
? There are not so many raster formats where you encode WKT itself.
Best regards,
Le jeudi 29 août 2013 19:37:42, Michael Rosen a écrit :
> A long standing (2011) issue with GDAL's CRS support is its awkward support
> for the Web Mercator projection. In short, when gdal internally
> represents this CRS (EPSG code 3857), it does so using the Mercator_1SP
> projection on the WGS84 datum (not a sphere). Since that's not quite
> right, it provides the right math to Proj4 via an "Extension." Some
> widely used GIS applications won't recognize the resulting output as Web
> Mercator leading to projection / alignment problems.
> http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/3962 describes the issue more fully.
> I've submitted a patch (attached to above ticket) that implements proper
> support for this very widely used projection. It's seen limited testing
> here at LizardTech and I can confirm that both ERDAS and ArcGIS (and QGIS,
> but I think they were ok to begin with) recognize the resulting
> representation. We at LT discussed this internally and decided that
> because it is a fairly wide-reaching change, we would provide the patch
> but not to commit it ourselves -- at least not without some discussion
> from the community.
> I should say that the extent of the change is mostly confined to the way it
> creates a WKT representing Web Mercator. In particular, it does not
> change the way the tiff driver writes tags. I think the current
> implementation is non-standard (*) but has the weight of history on its
> side, so I left that alone. However, the change does read (non-standard)
> tif files that say "epsg 3857" as Web Mercator.
> (*) Perhaps necessarily non-standard. AFAICT, there is no
> standard-compliant way to represent this in GeoTiff. the specification
> seems to preclude referencing an EPSG code outside the range of 20000 –
> 32760. Note that the existing implementation in libGeoTiff writes ‘3857’
> in the ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey and notes it is ‘unknown.’ It appears that
> everyone just assumes that if there’s an epsg code there then it must be
> authoritative.
> msr
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