[gdal-dev] .csvt file doesn't allow space after comma

Jukka Rahkonen jukka.rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Sun Dec 1 09:27:16 PST 2013

Peter Halls <p.halls <at> york.ac.uk> writes:

> David,
defines the cvst file as a sequence of comma separated column definitions. 
The examples are all 'dense', with no space between the comma and the next
value.  It seems odd to define it in this way - perhaps there is a reason or
perhaps it is a bijou bugette in QGIS ...

The blog post could mention that csv reader and csvt type file are GDAL/OGR
features and that the primary documentation is in
http://www.gdal.org/ogr/drv_csv.html. Also, if there is a wish to change how
csv driver behaves the right place to discuss is the gdal-dev mailing list.
However, that is something that belongs to QGIS developers and QGIS users
should not need to care about it.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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