[gdal-dev] gdalwarp -rpc and RPC_DEM results and .TIL files

Zack Moratto zmoratto at gmail.com
Sat Feb 9 07:28:38 PST 2013


This might be wrong, but I don't believe the GDAL RPC warper is aware of
vertical datums either. Your projections might be wrong if you are using
USGS NED DEMs which are referenced against NAVD88. My quick read of
gdal_rpc leads me to believe that GDAL only knows about horizontal and
ellipsoid transformations.

Verify that your DEMs are referenced against a spheroid before projection.

On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 5:22 AM, Even Rouault
<even.rouault at mines-paris.org>wrote:

> > Since GDAL does not support the .TIL file,
> Huh, there *IS* a TIL driver (frmts/til/tildataset.cpp) and I can see that
> it
> tries to load the associated .RPB file.
> However the manual procedure you used shouldn't change things
> fundamentally,
> and I wouldn't expect directly using the TIL file will give better results.
> There are perhaps some improvements/fixes to do in the RPC warper.
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Zack Moratto
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