[gdal-dev] Reworking the rasdaman driver

Fabian Schindler fabian.schindler at eox.at
Tue Feb 12 09:11:18 PST 2013

Dear devs,

I've been tasked to improve or rewrite the current rasdaman driver 
implementation as it currently suffers a number of drawbacks:

  * it is quite slow (compared to other drivers and other rasdaman
    connection techiques)
  * it does not support creation of new rasters within the database
  * it does not support write access to existing rasters within the database

I think the bad performance of the current implementation is due to the 
use of the `IReadBlock` function of the `RasdamanRasterBand`, as for 
every block that is read, a connection/transaction to the database is 
created and the block is transmitted. My assumption here is that reading 
the raster as a whole (or parts thereof) via `IRasterIO` (probably on 
the Dataset itself and not on the RasterBand) would improve the 
performance as the number of required connections and synchronization is 
As far as I can tell, that is the approach with the PostGISRaster driver.

What are your opinions to that matter? What benefits would I miss if I 
neglect block-based IO?


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