[gdal-dev] Constructing GDAL_WMS XML files for TMS servers

Jukka Rahkonen jukka.rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Wed Feb 13 02:27:30 PST 2013

Even Rouault <even.rouault <at> mines-paris.org> writes:

> No, TMS servers has not a GetCapabilities request that can be used to 
> discover the properties of the layers. But typically there are just a 
> variation of http://gdal.org/frmt_wms_openstreetmap_tms.xml

I do not agree. I can see something like "describe service" and "describe
layer" requests in the TMS document


I also checked that at least GeoWebCache does support those requests.
http://localhost:8080/geowebcache/service/tms/1.0.0 is listing all the 
cached layers with hfer links which are giving detailed info about 
tilesets. Here is what one of those links sends for me

<TileMap version="1.0.0" 
<BoundingBox minx="-548576.0" miny="6291456.0" 
maxx="1548576.0" maxy="8388608.0"/>
<Origin x="-548576.0" y="6291456.0"/>
<TileFormat width="256" height="256" mime-type="image/png"
extension="png"/><TileSets profile="local">
/GWC_basemap at JHS180%3AEPSG%3A3067 at png/0"
units-per-pixel="8192.0" order="0"/><TileSet
/GWC_basemap at JHS180%3AEPSG%3A3067 at png/1"
units-per-pixel="4096.0" order="1"/>

continues with sections for each configured zoom level.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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