[gdal-dev] gdalwarp crash

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Mon Feb 25 04:16:22 PST 2013

Le lundi 25 février 2013 11:13:47, Simon Lyngby Kokkendorff a écrit :
> Hi Even,
> > When you say "crashed", you mean it exited with the integer overflow
> > error (to
> > be opposed as the windows that is displayed by Windows when a process
> > really
> > crashes) ?
>   Yes, it didn't really crash, but exited with the integer overflow error
> message.
> The issue is rather with the -wm 3072. The warping algorithm will currently
> > cast a integer overflow error when a memory allocation above 2 GB is
> > attempted.
> > So you should try -wm 2047 or less. There's rarely a significant
> > advantage in
> > using so big values for -wm.
> Ahh, I see. I was using win64 and just assumed that setting -vm high might
> speed things up.


> Will try to create a tiled output image :-)
> By the way, I also tried using -multi to speed up (with otherwise the same
> options, I think), but got an error saying something like "Unable to aquire
> IOMutex" (unfortunately I haven't got the exact output).

Hum, this might be a side effect of a particular high value of -wm which cause 
particularly big, and consequently long, I/O operations. The mutex timeouts at 
10 minutes currently. Usually unitary I/O operations only last a few seconds 
or dozains seconds.

> Thanks,
> Simon

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