[gdal-dev] Closing disconnected contours

zeta otrov at hush.ai
Mon Feb 25 23:23:20 PST 2013

Chaitanya kumar CH wrote:
>Are the lines in topo.tif contour lines? How did you generate them?

Hi Chaitanya,

I segmented scanned image, and then did thinning on separation that interested me - that is topo contours. Here is link to a part of scanned image that I used as example: http://i.imgur.com/Wyv147m.png

I thought also that maybe gdal_fillnodata.py doesn't like thinning (1px contours) and I did dilation on same image to get topo contours with 3px width, but result was worse.
Did I expected too much, or maybe my image wasn't prepared corectly for gdal algorithm used in gdal_fillnodata.py?

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