[gdal-dev] Clipping imprecision with gdal_translate
arwesley at web.de
Mon Jun 3 05:37:24 PDT 2013
Hello List.
At first i wanna thanks for the great work you are doing with the gdal
library. It is a source of great tools and opportunities for spatial issues
which whom i involed in.
Among others i am using the commandline tool gdal_translate for clipping
raster files via the following example command:
gdal_translate -projwin 13.6666664938 53.2000002428
13.8333334784 53.1000017686 source.tif target.tif
The source tif is already georeferenced (EPSG:4326). I would now assume that
the boundingbox of the following GTiff is somethink like this:
Lower Left: 13.6666664938 53.1000017686
Upper Right: 13.8333334784 53.2000002428
Instead it is something like this (the full gdalinfo dialog you can see in
the attach to this mail):
Lower Left: 13.6666610463 53.1000244672
Upper Right: 13.8333191458 53.2000151873
So there is a small imprecision in the clipping result. My question is now
if this imprecision is normal (maybe a result of rounding operations within
the clipping process) or if i do something wrong (do i miss something in my
I am using libgdal1 version 1.9.0-3.1ubunut1. Looking forward to hearing
from you.
Kind regards,
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