[gdal-dev] A few questions for a new user.
Peter Halls
p.halls at york.ac.uk
Tue Mar 12 01:10:46 PDT 2013
you are asking questions about the inner workings of GDAL/OGR, rather
than the Java API. At the heart of GDAL/OGR is a library of C++ functions
that do the work. So, when you open a dataset, the low level routines
obtain memory for the data structures, populate them and pass, as a result,
a pointer to these data structures - the dataset object. If you want to
understand this part of the process, then you must study the C++ code or,
at the very least, the C++ Class definitions that are on the GDAL web pages.
Best wishes,
On 11 March 2013 19:30, Nick <subscriber at linuxmail.org> wrote:
> Hello all, I am using the Java bindings on a Windows 7 machine. I am
> trying to do my first conversion of a file based on the API Tutorial and
> the sample java files.
> 1) How does gdal.Open() convert the ingested data into a Dataset object?
> I've looked at the Javadocs and API listed, but I cannot find code for that
> method to explain this.
> 2) Is there a source file for the java bindings that has explicit code for
> the classes and methods of gdal that I can view?
> I've been studying the GDALtest.java<http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/browser/trunk/gdal/swig/java/apps/GDALtest.java>sample code file. It takes a selected image from the desktop and uses
> gdal.Open() to convert it to a Dataset and then converts that Dataset into
> a BufferedImage object.
> I am trying to figure out how to get the Dataset object I have and just
> create a file with the same data as the one I opened. Then I am goiing to
> try and convert it to a different format.
> I followed the API Tutorial <http://www.gdal.org/gdal_tutorial.html> all
> the way to the section on using Create() and CreateCopy() methods. But then
> I don't know what to do with the new Dataset object I have. There must be a
> way to get it in the right data object that Java needs to write an image
> file.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Peter J Halls, GIS Advisor & Team Leader Applications Support and Training,
Information Directorate, University of York
Telephone: 01904 323806 Fax: 01904 323740
Snail mail: Harry Fairhurst Building, University of York,
Heslington, York YO10 5DD
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